12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
পণ্যের বিবরণ
পণ্যের বিবরণ
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline

Product name: 12FT trampoline with safety fence, heavy jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder
Origin: China
Main color: blue
Main material: iron plastic
Filling: Foam

Product size
Assembly length (inch):141.70
Assembly width (inches):141.70
Assembly height (inches):100.30
Weight (lbs):88.55

Packing size
Length (inches):47.24
Width (inches):16.53
Height (inches):12.99
Weight (lbs):97.36

পণ্যের বিবরণ
12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline12FT trampoline with safety fence net, heavy-duty jumping mat and spring cover mat for children and adults, ladder,Large trampoline
আপনার তথ্য ছেড়ে দিন এবং আমরা আপনার সাথে যোগাযোগ করব।

যোগাযোগ করুন

শান্ঘাই টেসো মেডিক্যাল টেকনোলজি কোম্পানি লিমিটেড

টেল নং: ৮৬-২১-৫৮৩৫৯০০২

মোবাইল নং: ৮৬-১৫৬০১৭২৩৮০০

ওয়াটসঅ্যাপ: ৮৬-১৩৩৯১০২২৭৪৭

ঠিকানা:   Rm2302, ভবন A, 1088 নিউ জিনকিও রোড, পুডং এলাকা, শাংহাই, চীন। 201206

ওয়েবসাইট: https//www.tesomedical.com

ইমেল: jim@tesomedical.com

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